Tuesday, March 30, 2010

KD Cheyenne in the Texas Bluebonnets

Took some shots of KD Cheyenne in the Texas Bluebonnets beside our house yesterday. She's reallying interested in all things flying...actually interested in anything moving or anything that smells! She's a joy!

In this last photo she has this look like..."Please stop bothering me! I'm busy looking for something else to chase!"

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Meet KD Cheyenne...or Scooter

New Brittany Spaniel pup in the family. We've tentatively named her KD Cheyenne but after living with her for a week Scooter seems more appropriate.

Updates to follow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Justin and Virginia's wedding day

My nephew Justin married Virginia this past Saturday, and it was a glorious event. It was clear to me watching the ceremony that God has chosen this couple to be together. The moment that became clear to me was when Justin was standing at the front of the church and Virginia was still out of sight behind the doors at the front of the church. There was probably a 2 or 3 minute wait and Jusin was very calm and cool. Then the doors opened and Virginia appeared. Justin's face contorted as he tried to hold his emotions in check, but eventually overwhelming joy filled his heart and he shed a tear. As I looked back to Virginia I saw the sheer excitement of the moment on her face and today, God blessed this couple. And we were all blessed, those of us who were able to witness this wonderful event.

Below are MY girls! I love them so!