Wednesday, December 2, 2009


You know that your childhood was different when this Thanksgiving you are sitting at the dinner table eating your Thanksgiving turkey at your parents home (the home I was raised in), and your Dad says "Ricky, reach up there and kill that roach crawling on the wall". Without any hesitation Ricky crushes the roach with his hand, wipes off the residue and continues eating.

That sort of thing didn't garner a second thought when I was growing up but now, older, wiser, and better traveled, these events leave impressions. Not on me actually; Gana brought up the roach incident to me because obviously I fell into the memory of my childhood and the roach killing was quickly passed over. But for Gana, who grew up in a more "privledged" setting, it made an impression.

Life is good. All of it! Enjoy all the pieces of it because it fits into a large puzzle.