Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

This past Sunday was Mother's Day and actually our family is going to celebrate my mother's birthday and Mother's Day this coming Sunday May 17th. So this past Sunday I'm at Mom's house just to wish her a Mother's day on the actual day and my sister Mary walks in. It was a bit of a surprise for Mom and Dad to see Mary as she's usually busy with kids things and school. But it was nice to see her.

While Mom and Dad were in the other room, Mary, in a hushed tone so Mom can't hear asked, "did mom tell you about leaving Dad in the car at the mall?" Well, no she didn't, and Mary went on to explain what happened.

Mom and Dad went to the mall in Katy one day. For those that don't know, Dad can't get around very well so when they go out Mom wheels him around in a wheel chair. Being German this wheeling Dad around is like witnessing the German Blitzkrieg right here in Texas. Don't get in Mom's way when she's pushing Dad! Mom needed something this day from the mall so she loads Dad and the chair in the car and drive to Katy. Dad decides that he'd rather just sit in the car and wait on Mom as she said it will take her just a minute. I think he was afraid of being pushed in another "Blitzkrieg" movement as he is the tip of that "spear". So Mom leaves Dad in the car...with the windows cracked about an inch to let in air...with the engine turned off...and with the car keys in her purse. Of course, she'll just be gone a minute...what could go wrong?

Well, the overcast skies cleared and what was a cool day started to become a real cooker...especially when sitting in a parked car with the engine off and no a/c, and the windows only cracked an inch or so. Of course the errand that will take "only a minute" turned into more minutes than planned and when mom exited the mall she heard police sirens. Of couse she said "I wonder what's going on?" Only to find out that all the police were surrounding HER CAR!

While Dad was doing his impression of a baked chicken, he also had the presense of mind to honk the horn and thankfully the police heard it and responded. Not sure why Dad just didn't open the door and get some fresh air but then again I've never been in a rotisserie oven before.

Several things some to mind when I think about this incident. Did Mom think Dad would get in the drivers seat and drive off with the car; hence she took the keys with her.

Or did she think someone would steal the car AND Dad?

Anyway, that's Mom...you gotta love her.