Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Frio River

Went to Leakey Texas and spent a couple days on the Frio River at the cabin of a dear friend. Gana and I had a ball! First, the weather was not great with off and on windy and chilly conditions, but the skies were absolutely a gorgeous blue and the Frio was crystal clear.
It's clearer than tap water! We went into town to buy some grub for the cabin. Gana already informed me she was not cooking (no big surprise there) so I picked out my rations of rat cheese, tomatoes, wheat bread and diet green tea, paid the lady and headed out.

Now this being my first trip through Leakey did not prepare me for the traffic jam in this town of 300+ citizens. The traffic problems were caused by a never ending stream of yuppie, leather clad, bandana wearing, balding bikers with their leather-skinned biker-babes attached to the back seat. For some reason they all have to "goose" the engines at different times so one cannot travel within 5 miles of any hill country road without hearing a cacaphony of biker engines. It's an interesting phenomenom this biker boom; and one I'm not a part of.

Also competing for the traffic congestion at the one light in town was the Corvette convention. These are the yuppies that would be riding the Harleys but their biker-babes don't like to get their hair messed up so they choose the Corvette as a more convenient method of clogging up the back roads of Texas. It's really strange to see 30 or 40 Corvettes motoring through the countryside; it's like seeing a train pass on the tracks with the difference being that these cars are connected by some mysterious bond that forbids them from passing one another. It's odd. It seems to me that one acquires a Corvette to go fast yet these guys were content to ride slowly through the countryside like they were on a joyride out from the old-folks home.

Back to the Frio. Gana and I hunkered down for the night. We bought the DVD "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" and plugged it into my computer and sat down with a delicious toasted, rat cheese and tomato sandwich. It don't get any better than this.

Saturday...we slept in. Or at least Gana did. I lurked around outside trying to take photos of the birdlife and unload the Kayak. After Gana woke we ported it to the river and put her afloat. I was first in. What a great way to travel up and down the river. Next was Gana's turn. This time she stayed afloat as the picture at left indicated.

About 2pm or so we loaded up and went riding around the hillcountry. Our destination was not important so we headed in the general direction of was Kerrville. It was a great drive on a beautiful but windy day. Harley riders and Corvettes were passed on many a road. We returned to the cabin on Frio around 6 pm.

About 6:30 Gana and I walked up to the rapids to check them out. On our walk up I saw some Axis deer getting ready to cross the Frio. I hurried up to a spot where I could photo them and snapped some shots as about 20 deer crossed, well actually jumped over the Frio at its narrowest part. Below is one of the photos. The deer was backlit by the sun so it is dark but it makes a nice outline against the shimmering Frio.

After the deer crossed we went on up to the rapids, sat down and relaxed. What a peaceful way to spend a late afternoon.

For dinner that night we had...grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches. Did I tell you they are my favorite? They are best with a bit of salt, pepper and garlic added. Heavy on the garlic and pepper is ok by me.

The next morning we packed our bags, loaded the kayak and headed home. Thank God for good friends and opportunities for peaceful thought. They are both welcome.

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